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Eversight for Good Starts 2018 Strong

The first half of 2018 has been busy for Eversight for Good, Eversight’s program that seeks to empower employees to engage their local communities, give back, and volunteer with the same transformative excellence they bring to pricing and promotions. Teams partook in volunteer events focused on a wide range of efforts, partnering with organizations across the United States.

Eversight’s team based in NYC kicked off the Eversight for Good events for the year by volunteering at the Community Kitchen of West Harlem, part of the Food Bank for New York City working to end hunger by organizing food, information, and support for New York’s five boroughs. Through an event called Prep and Serve, team members prepped and cooked a meal from start to finish and served dinner to over 100 people! The team was also called in to the food bank’s pantry, assisting local families with their shopping.

For ‘March is Reading Month’, employees based in Grand Rapids, MI volunteered with the Salvation Army through a group called Army of Readers, whose main goal is to spread the joy of reading across local school districts. Each team member was assigned two elementary school classrooms where they read books to students, explored the lessons of each story, and lead hands-on activities related to the storylines.

Palo Alto, CA employees rang in summer by volunteering with the Resource Area for Teaching, an organization whose mission is to help educators transform the learning experience for children through hands on education. Eversight spent their day with RAFT quality controlling activity kits for local school children. Their work helped to ensure that the teachers who receive kits from RAFT get everything they’re expecting and have enough for their classes. The kits they inspected will impact over 4,400 students!

Most recently, the Chicago team spent a day with Cradles to Crayons, a nonprofit that provides children living in low-income and homeless situations with the essential items they need to thrive at home, at school, and at play. Eversight sorted through massive bins of recent donations at a Chicago Cradles to Crayons warehouse and grouped items into categories, cleaned donated shoes, QC-ed donated clothing, and made greeting cards.

Eversight for Good has been steadily gaining steam since its 2017 inception, and is only growing momentum with an additional 5 events scheduled for the back half of 2018.