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Eversight Invests in Employee Volunteer Program

Eversight has established its place as a leader in its field by using AI and experimentation to power pricing and promotions, and has made a move to apply that leadership mentality to its corporate citizenship. In July of 2017, Eversight launched Eversight for Good, a program that seeks to empower employees to engage their local communities, give back, and volunteer with the same transformative excellence they bring to pricing and promotions.

Eversight for Good organizes and sponsors company volunteering events across the country throughout the year, providing opportunities for all employees to volunteer with co-workers.  In the first 6 months of the program, Eversight spent 170+ hours volunteering together at company sponsored events. Employees in New York and Chicago gathered at local community kitchens to prepare and serve meals, while employees in Grand Rapids and Palo Alto visited local parks and beaches to plant trees and remove trash and invasive species.

Designed to encourage both team projects and individual volunteering, Eversight for Good offers paid time off to pursue individual activism. Employees are provided with monthly lists of local opportunities and national volunteer networks, and are given a platform in company updates to champion volunteer channels they work with.

Following the success of the program in its first 6 months, Eversight committed to doubling the number of company-sponsored events in 2018. With half the year completed, and half of their scheduled events along with it, they’re well on their way to doing just that!